

Core parameters:
Content range: 2ppm-99.99%;
Analysis method: Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis method
Detector: SDD/Fast SDD detector, resolution up to 130eV/125eV;
Detection time: 30-300 seconds;

Product Introduction: 

Intelligent oil analyzer is used in railway, subway and other rail transitand ship and other transportation equipment field. It is widely used forthe qualitative and quantitative analysis of wear metals, additiveconsumption and contaminants in lubricating oils used in transmissionand running parts. The instrument is unique in that it not only hasexcellent analytical performance, but also is simple to use and can beoperated by non-professionals. Its important function is to analyze thecontent of elements in lubricating oils and the presence of wear elementsand pollutants in a few minutes, and the analysis can be carried out in anyplace where the oil is used. The intelligent oil analyzer is mainly used forthe analysis of sulfur elements, heavy metals, wear metals, elementaladditives and pollutants in oil products such as lubricating oil, grease,gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, kerosene, hydraulic oil, crude oil, residualoil, wax oil, alcohol gasoline, biodiesel and other similar petroleumproducts.

Performance characteristics: 

HAPG polarizing target material is used to effectively improve thesensitivity of light elements Easy operation, automatic sampling, one key to complete the test ofmultiple samples, one minute quick detection, so that "quality oil change"is possible High resolution and repeatability make "accurate measurement"possible; Concentrated calibration and analysis are carried out for theconcentration points of railway oil products and special elementsconcerned by railway oil products, and the data and curves are implantedin the equipment, which is more closely related to field application is very cost-effective and analyses a wide range of common elements,making "comprehensive analysis" possible The lubricating oil is directly put into the oil box for testing, withoutheating, dissolving and other steps, without damaging the sample. Thewhole test has no odor and harmful gas, and does not need to be placed inthe fume hood, which provides protection for the health of the testpersonnel is equipped with a custom method package for railway lubrication oilelement analysis, which can directly analyze the quantitative analysis ofwear metals and additive elements in oil. It can analyze Fe, Cu, Si, Zn, Ca,S, Cl and other elements in gear box oil, diesel engine oil, hydraulic oil,axle box bearing grease, traction motor grease, etc., and realize moretargeted detection, making detection more convenient and data moreaccurate Low cost of consumables, small consumption.

Technical parameters: 

Analytical element range: All elements between magnesium (Mg) anduranium (U)

Test object: solid, powder, liquid

Content range: 2ppm-99.99% 

Analysis method: Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis method

Detector: SDD/Fast SDD detector with a minimum resolution of130eV/125eV 

Operating temperature: -10 ° C-+50 ° C

Working humidity: < 90% 

Detection limit: The detection limit of S element in fuel is 10ppm/2ppm

Operability: One-click test, no need to select a specific test mode

Detection time: 30-300 seconds

Size: 400mm*332mm*272mm 

Weight: 4.6KG